How Maven Dependency Works

Posted by Unknown On Monday 4 August 2014 10 comments
When we are building multiple module projects managing dependencies is a headache.Maven have dependency management mechanism  it will help us to download all required dependencies.


we want to add Oracle JDBC driver to our project, In traditional way we want to follow these steps

  1. download oracle jdbc driver 
  2. copy .jar to class path
  3. include jar to project
note:-in traditional way for jar updates we want to download and add new one 

Maven we don't want to care about these things.. We just want to declare reference to oracle jdbc in pom.xml

  <!-- ORACLE database driver -->


How to convert maven project to eclipse project

Posted by Unknown On Friday 1 August 2014 5 comments
Now we are going to discus about how convert a project that created in maven to eclipse project.maven have a modular architecture along with a lot of plugins ,Eclipse is one of the most famous IDE that also have modular architecture it have a lot of plugins .

Maven have a Eclipse plugin and Eclipse have a Maven plugin we are going to discus those things.when we using maven with those command line stuffs and etc when we are going through eclipse we don't want to that command line codes it have very much helpful, Maven and eclipse giving good integration ,they will work very well together  thanks for that plugins .

1. Eclipse plugin for Maven 

      Step 1. go to maven project . Here my project is FirstApp ,there you can see one pom.xml file ,now what we want is generate one eclipse project using that pom.xml

     Step 2. Use  mvn eclipse:eclipse command

Note:- If you are running this first time it may take some downloads all require for resolving dependencies to convert project to eclipse project .

Step 3:- verify the project

after execution of this command we notices two new files created

 Note:-  these both file are created for eclipse ,when you open those files you notice a "M2_REPO" class variable is generated ,you want to add that class path in eclipse otherwise eclipse will show a error 

Step 4:- Importing eclipse project 

       File->Import->Eeneral->Existing Projects in Workspace->Select root directory ->Done

  Now your maven project is create for eclipse  ,Write your comments :)


Reading Gmail with Java IMAP

Posted by Unknown On Thursday 10 July 2014 11 comments
Hai friends this code just a simple modification from our old post Php to java :)
" .Our new java code is simple code for loading gmail messages using IMAP. Here using java imap extension to use inbox. Before you proceding this project make sure about your imap setting in Gmail. 

import javax.mail.Folder;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Store;
public class InboxReader {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.setProperty("", "imaps");
try {
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
Store store = session.getStore("imaps");
store.connect("", "<username>", "password");
Folder inbox = store.getFolder("Inbox");;
Message messages[] = inbox.getMessages();
for(Message message:messages) {
} catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
} catch (MessagingException e) {


MySQL Performance Monitor Tools

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 8 July 2014 1 comments

1. Mtop

mtop (MySQL top) monitors a MySQL database showing the queries which are taking the most amount of time to complete. Features include 'zooming' in on a process to show the complete query and 'explaining' the query optimizer information.

2. Innotop

Innotop can be really handy when you need a quick and easy tool that can provide a lot of details on what MySQL is doing – without using difficult queries to get those details manually. For our Percona Support customers, using Innotop will often be much easier then running complex SHOW statements and filtering their output in order to get some simple facts like slave replication lag, number of busy threads or InnoDB history list length. Also for us, Support engineers, it’s sometimes quicker to get a fast system overview with Innotop before we do deeper investigation using SHOW statements, Information_schema or more complex ways.


PHP Performance Test Tools

Posted by Unknown On Thursday 3 July 2014 1 comments


PHPUnit is the de-facto standard for unit testing in PHP projects. It provides both a framework that makes the writing of tests easy as well as the functionality to easily run the tests and analyse their results.


vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system.


Behat is a framework for Behavior Driven Development (BDD) that is inspired by Cucumber.


phploc is a tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.


pdepend can generate a large set of software metrics from a given code base. These values can be used to measure the quality of a software project and they help to identify the parts of an application where a code refactoring should be applied.

PHP Mess Detector

phpmd scans PHP source code and looks for potential problems such as possible bugs, dead code, suboptimal code, and overcomplicated expressions


phpcs tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. It is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent. It can also help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

PHP Copy/Paste Detector

phpcpd is a Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code. It scans a PHP project for duplicated code.

PHP Dead Code Detector

phpdcd is a Dead Code Detector (DCD) for PHP code. It scans a PHP project for code that is no longer used.


phpDox is the documentation generator for PHP projects. This includes, but is not limited to, API documentation.

Jenkins PHP

The goal of the Template for Jenkins Jobs for PHP Projects is to provide a standard template for Jenkins (the leading open-source continuous integration server) jobs for PHP projects.


hhvm-wrapper is a convenience wrapper for HHVM's static analyzer, for instance.


A simple chat application using Node.js

Posted by Unknown On Monday 21 April 2014 0 comments
     Node Js gives ability for JavaScript to write back end code .It is one of the perfect technologies for real time application .Now we discussing how to write a simple chat server ad client using node js .

Download code

  1. Install and setup node js
  2. Create a TCP server
  3. Create a TCP client
  Install and setup node

       First step on node is how to setup a node.js platform ,now i am only discussing on windows .node supports windows OS since 0.6 version ,for installing go to node.js website and from download tab download windows .msi installer .After down loading run the installer and click next and install node ,it will show a conform message after it install properly 

now you installed node properly now we want to know node  is working properly or note 

   go to cmd and type node -v

Create TCP server 

   Node has a first-class HTTP server implementation in the form of a pseudo-class in http .Server, which descends from the TCP server pseudo-class in net.Server. This means that everything described in this chapter applies to the Node HTTP server as well.

  • You can create a TCP server using the net module

  now we just create a node js server and u can connect client through the port 4001 , using telnet


now these things are working proper you finished how to set up a simple TCP server using node and how to connect that TCP port using telnet

Building a simple tcp server have flowing steps

  1. Create a tcp server
  2. Accept connection
  3. Receiving client data 
  4. Collecting all the clients
  5. Broadcasting data 

            1.Create a tcp server

            2.Accept connection

          3 Receiving client data
        4.Collecting all clients

         5. Broadcasting

These are the steps for creating tcp chat server . in this project i am attaching a full set of working TCP server and TCP client with this post .

Download code

How Change MySQL Root Password

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 19 November 2013 2 comments
Set up MySQL password is one of the important task ,Now i am showing you how set a password for your MySQL root account using command prompt  .


  1. log in MySql from cmd.
  2. Change password
  3. flush privilege


how to login mysql from cmd


changing root password

Step 3

flush previleges


How Create a Zip File Using PHP

Posted by Unknown On Sunday 17 November 2013 0 comments

     Hello friends now we are going to discus a small code for creating Zip file using PHP. Creating zip file is simple as comparing with author languages.

PHP have a very useful class called ZipArchive ,To create multiple zip files in this post i will show you how create a ZIP file



<?phpfunction zipFilesDownload($file_names$archive_file_name$file_path)
$zip = new ZipArchive();
    if (
$zip->open($archive_file_nameZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
"cannot open <$archive_file_name>\n");
    foreach (
$file_names as $files) {
$zip->addFile($file_path $files$files);
header("Content-type: application/zip");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$archive_file_name");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
$fileNames     = array('files/file1.docx',
'files/file1.pdf');$zip_file_name '';

$file_path     dirname(__FILE__) . '/';



zend framework for beginners Part 1

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 5 March 2013 0 comments

Hello friends now we are going to discuss on Zend framework, it also known as zf. This is a A to Z step by step articles on zend .this is first one so here cover on the following three basics.
  1. 1.       What is a frame work and why they need?
  2. 2.       Installing zend framework.
  3. 3.       First zend program.

What is a frame work and why they need?

Zend Framework (ZF) is a framework for PHP 5 and it is based on object-oriented paradigm. It is an open-source framework under the BSD License.  The idea of  ZF was conceptualized in the early 2005, and it was publicly announced in October 2005 at the first Zend Conference.
Like other PHP stack zend provides a PHP stack called zend server and also zend provides a IDE for ZF.

To run Zend 1.7.0 we need PHP 5.2.4 or latter .ZF‘s programmer’s reference says strictly 5.2.3 due to some security reasons, for unit testing it need PHP Unit 3.0 or latter
Zend framework of PHP is basically works on MVC architecture   MVC stands for Model View and Controller.
·         Model : The model part deals with the part which is concerned with the specification of the data to be displayed  Business logic part of the program is handled by this part which involves activities like load and save to databases

·         View: Responsibility of this part is to display the content of the application to the user. Usually this section contains the HTML part

·         Controller: This part combines together the specifics of model and view section and gives the assurance of displaying correct data

Installing zend framework. (with xampp )

Now we are going to install ZF framework on our local computer, initially we need to download the zend frame work from Unzip the folder into host c:\xampp\htdocs Since most of the works in ZF is done from command prompt, so we need to do some preliminary settings, so right click on the My Computer icon, select properties, select Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables, now under the System Variables select Path and click edit button, now select the c:\ xampp\htdocs \ZendFramework\bin folder

Now you want to go command prompt (WIN key + R=Run, Window=> type cmd and press enter key). Type zf show version and press enter, it should display like this.

If it works your path variables are working perfect. After that we need create a directory stretcher that helps to reduce our work load and improve readability.Now type the following command which will create the directory structure automatically

.Here we are using XAMPP so we used root folder as htdocs. After executing above comments directory structure will like blow figure.
Now type http://localhost/myfirstproject/public/ in the address bar of the browser and press return key, the output in the browser should be like this:
go to C:\xampp\htdocs\myfirstproject\application\views\scripts\index folder and in the index.phtml and change the existing code with the following:

echo "<center><b>Hello World</b></center>";

save it and reload page output will as follows
In the next applications we will learn a how connect DB using Zend. plz read some other articles and give some reviews about my personal programming blog.


JDBC Connection Part 1

Posted by Unknown On Saturday 23 February 2013 0 comments

JDBC Connection

Hello friends now we are going to discuss about Java Data Base Connectivity. We heard connecting Java and DB are so difficult, etc. and blab bla bla …… :) We are going to show you much easy it is. Only want to follow some regular steps.

JDBC is application programing interface .that allow programmers to access Data Base Systems from java code .it allows to execute SQL queries on java helps programmers to connect, send receive data from DB.

JDBC uses application programing technology for driver manager and Data Base specific drivers, for providing transparency and concurrency to heterogeneous Data Bases. Creating JDBC programs understanding its architecture make easier.

JDBC have layered Architecture.

When using JDBC we can follow following steps.

1.      Loading JDBC driver.
2.      Establishing connection.
3.      Executing SQL statements.
4.      Getting result.
5.      Closing connection.

There is an interface in  java.sql package that specifies connection with specific database called connection 

 Connection conn = null;

It is a class of java.sql package that controls a set of JDBC drivers. Each driver has to be register with this class.

getConnection(String url, String userName, String password):

This method establishes a connection to specified database url. It takes three string types of arguments like: 

    url: - Database url where stored or created your database
    userName: - User name of MySQL
    password: -Password of MySQL 


This method is used for disconnecting the connection. It frees all the resources occupied by the database.

import java.sql.*;

public class MysqlConnect{
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("MySQL Connect Example.");
  Connection conn = null;
  String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";
  String dbName = "jdbctutorial";
  String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
  String userName = "root"
  String password = "root";
  try {
  conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url+dbName,userName,password);
  System.out.println("Connected to the database");
  System.out.println("Disconnected from database");
  catch (Exception e) {


Password strength meter

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 5 February 2013 1 comments

Password strength meter 

 Here we indrodusing a simple password strength meter,it measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. In its usual form, it estimates how many trials an attacker who does not have direct access to the password would need, on average, to guess it correctly. The strength of a password is a function of length, complexity, and unpredictability


  Download Script                  Live Demo


<form name=df style='margin:0px;'>
<p class="border">
Enter Password .
<input type=password length=20 name='pwd' style="text-decoration:none;color: #dddd;"onkeyup='CheckPasswordStrength(this.value);'>
</p><div id='pwd_strength'></div>

JavaScript Code

<script type="text/javascript">

var pass_strength;

function IsEnoughLength(str,length)
 if ((str == null) || isNaN(length))
  return false;
 else if (str.length < length)
  return false;
 return true;

function HasMixedCase(passwd)
  return true;
  return false;

function HasNumeral(passwd)
  return true;
  return false;

function HasSpecialChars(passwd)
  return true;
  return false;

function CheckPasswordStrength(pwd)
 if (IsEnoughLength(pwd,14) && HasMixedCase(pwd) && HasNumeral(pwd) && HasSpecialChars(pwd))
  pass_strength = "<b><font style='color:olive'>Very strong</font></b>";
 else if (IsEnoughLength(pwd,8) && HasMixedCase(pwd) && (HasNumeral(pwd) || HasSpecialChars(pwd)))
  pass_strength = "<b><font style='color:Blue'>Strong</font></b>";
 else if (IsEnoughLength(pwd,8) && HasNumeral(pwd))
  pass_strength = "<b><font style='color:Green'>Good</font></b>";
  pass_strength = "<b><font style='color:red'>Weak</font></b>";

 document.getElementById('pwd_strength').innerHTML = pass_strength;
function ctck()
     var sds = document.getElementById("dum");
     if(sds == null){
        alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n");
     var sdss = document.getElementById("dumdiv");
     if(sdss == null){
         alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n");
document.onload ="ctck()";

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JavaScript Embedding YouTube videos from links

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday 23 January 2013 1 comments

JavaScript Embedding YouTube videos from links

Embedding video to a webpage make a real change in the early day’s web. It  can make a multimedia interaction with web user and author .so feel of that website become more realistic .most of users have broadband connection so they are flexible with video contents .one of the most  common used method  is  using a flash player and flv videos those hosted in an external server ,like YouTube .
Embedding YouTube


 function linkToYoutube(link, ops) {
         var o = $.extend({
         width: 480,
         height: 320,
         params: ''
         }, ops);
          var id = /\?v\=(\w+)/.exec(link)[1];

          return '<iframe style="display: block;"'+
         ' class="youtube-video" type="text/html"'+
         ' width="' + o.width + '" height="' + o.height +
         ' "src="' + id + '?' + o.params +
          '&amp;wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" />';

      var link = $(this).attr('href');
     $(this).html( linkToYoutube(link, { params: 'theme=light' }) );

Download & Live Code Edit


Password Hashes in PHP

Posted by Unknown On Sunday 20 January 2013 2 comments

Password Hashes in PHP

Hello friends now we are discussing about some simple security tricks in php, mainly on handling passwords using php. This section explains why password hashing and how can we use hashing.


Every god programmer’s know storing password in form of clear text is bad method of programing .this make user and programmer at risk. This is the main reason why password hashing is used .password hashing are working on the basics of cryptography.
In cryptography, a cryptographic hash function is a transformation that takes an input and   returns a fixed-size string, which is called the hash value.”
By applying hashing algorithm’s they make user’s password’s make difficult to Attackers. PHP offers so simple inbuilt methods to create hashes, such as md5 (), sh1 (), ssha () etc.


How hashing in PHP

There are different algorithm’s for creating a hash of a test most popular are md5() and sha()now we disusing about those two first.
                $str = "Hello";
                echo md5($str);
 The output of the code above will be:


                $str = 'Hello';
                 echo sha1($str);
 The output of the code above will be:


In the above example md5 can create a 128 bit of hash from given text, and second one is sha1. It can make 160 bit hash from given password text. But md5 and sha algorithms can decrypt easly with help of rainbow we need to use next level algorithms.

